Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Have Finished Law Man!

SPOILER ALERT:  Don't read unless you have read all of Law Man.

OMG I feel so guilty because this should be a post about Mitch...and my first comment is going to be about Brock!

"He's in this mess because he's tryin' to get his boys clean.  This is not on him even though he's feelin' this shit and he's feeling' it deep.  It isn't on him.  This is on Lescheva." 

Let's just say that the instant Hawk and Brock showed up in the story, Carol was a very happy chickadee.  Have I mentioned I love them?  I swear to God, these books would make the most fantastic tv series.  It's like Supernatural (minus the Supernatural factor) meets Starsky and Hutch.  All that man-talk and testosterone.  Oooh it's scrumptious, y'all!  Positively scrumpdillyiciuos!  Can't you just see every week being about a different Dream Man?  OMG I'd get a new DVR just to make sure I didn't miss an ep!

I feel bad because I sortof put Mara on the backburner.  She's cool but I'm all about the guys in this one.  And oh SHIT - TACK.  Hello?  Even TACK showed up:

"Tack stared at him.  Then he muttered, "Respect."  Respect from Kane Allen."  

Can't you just feel THAT in your nethers?  Mmmm hmmm.  I can't WAIT to read about Tack in Motorcycle Man.  (I have to take a slight hiatus as I've been waiting for "Shadow of Night" - the sequel to "A Discovery of Witches" for a year now...and it came out today.  Yee haw.)

What I love about Mitch:

"Today was most definitely a fucking donut day.  He need to make a donut run.  He didn't need to waste time on an assclown."

LOVED the donut days.  He's such an awesome guy and it totally comes through in the book.  AND - that is SO TRUE.  He was OK with donuts on the weekend...but he made the kids eat oatmeal on school days.  That sounds vaguely familiar.  Oh year right; I do that shit to my own kids.

And how funny is "assclown"?  I am going to use that in a sentence three times today for sure.  I laughed right out loud every time I saw it.

And something I tweeted about to Miss Kristen, herself (The Queen of All Things Hotness About Men):

"Who named their kid Ridge?"  (Remember? Billie's new beau?)

ROFLMAO.  RIDGE FORRESTER was the first thing that popped into my mind.  Hot, for sure...but as KA said, herself "Mitch would wipe the floor with him".

OK so Mara - I absolutely LOVED when she loosened up and went out with the girls.  Once Vi shows up, you know it's going to be a party.  (HOW funny was she when the skank sisters showed up??  I love how she butts right the hell into their bizznazz.)  BUT - I was in shock when drunken Mara was all "Hawk is the #2 love of my life" and staring at him all doe eyed.  Girlfriend was layin' it on THICK in her head and Gwen's just sitting there all "La dee dah".  DOH!  I know you're hot, chickee...but come ON.  You gotsta keep a firm hold on your man, yeah?

OK y'all.  Give me a little while to finish my new book and then I'm on to Tack!


  1. Yay! LMAO about Ridge....You picked the good young pick too. I told you, now you need the Player song "Baby Come Back" on the DM soundtrack...LOL.

  2. OMG Tonya - I am totally revamping the playlists on all the blogs. First off - the Canadians can't hear them on Playlist.com. Second - I just found out they are now making you sign in to hear the music. They won't even let me embed the player into the blog anymore. It sucks!!

  3. I just read the first Rock Chick (KA's other series) - LOVED IT! Think you will need to add this one to your TBR list. As you say, on to Shadow of Night....

  4. I loved Rock Chick. I wasn't crazy about the second book but I'm just finishing the third and I love that too!!

    Thanks for reading and blogging these, Carol.

    1. Hildy, did you read Knight yet? If so, did you like it?

    2. I didn't read Knight. I don't think I will. JJ read it and didn't love it. Carol's friend Jenn really liked it though. I'm pretty sure that I will continue reading all of the Rock Chick books though. They are just so funny!

    3. Hi! Yes, I did read Knight. Not my bag. If I hear "Daddy" one more time I'm gonna barf. Really. Not a "Daddy" kind of gal. Sorry.

      Looooooooooooooove Rock Chick. Addicted. On book 4 and killing myself laughing! Can't put those books down.

    4. OK - can't argue with the Daddy stuff; I didn't like that at all either. But somehow I got past it....and Knight is still my favorite of all KA's books so far. He's just so over the top. :) But I'm happily working on her other series - ready for Rock Chick Rescue!

    5. Really? Well, glad u enjoyed it!

      The dream men are my fave I think. Rock Chick men are next.......the Rock Chick women are freaking HILARIOUS!

    6. I'm starting Rock Chick Renegade NOW!!!

    7. Thanks for making me...from a country away! :)

  5. Carol,
    Although I think Mitch is a bit bulkier than this guy, I think these two (from someone's Goodreads review) fit the bill as close as my brain did.

    1. Oooh nice, Tracy! But girlllll - my latest Mitch has been Eric Dane. More quality prime chuck. ;)

    2. I was kinda picturing Ryan Reynolds as Mitch briefly but now I totally see him as Hank in the Rock Chick books.

    3. McSteamy??? really? Even with the cop-stash??

  6. Carol, I meant to ask you if you were having an Outlander moment when you were writing Brock's name. We're you think of the fine Broch Tuarach? LOL

    1. LOL I do that ALL the time! Shizzle! I keep putting an "H". What's UP with that??

  7. Holy crap! You are going to need a translator for my last post. I can't type in English this morning! I need to edit the last post ( and probably 10 others but I haven't noticed those yet).

  8. I have to say that I just love KA's writing so much that I have read ALL of her books and I've got to tell ya that Tack's is AWESOME!! You will not regret reading that one. I re read it right when I was finished he has taken Tate's (Sweet Dreams)position from my all time fave to 2nd best but to be honest it's just hard to place any of them but Tack will just blow you away!!

    1. Jennifer J and I loved Tack but not all of our buds felt the same way. I'm dying to hear what Carol thinks. That's all I'm gonna say cause I don't want to spoil anything for Carol. I've heard about the Sweet Dreams guy. I'm definitely going to read that this summer! Yay!

    2. I'm honestly wondering what I'm going to think of Tack. I'll tell you this: I have been picturing him as Joe Manganiello from True Blood and Magic Mike. THAT is some of the FINEST quality beef I have seen since I can't remember when. Soooo...I don't think I'll have a difficult time. I'm assuming there are going to be some zingers uttered in the bedroom. No worries; I'll be ready! Je Suis Prest!!!!!!

    3. Oooh Corrina - I have heard fantastic things about Tate for a long time from Jenn M and Jenn D...so I will be reading that in the not too distant future, too.

      Shit - the blogs will be endless! Get ready, Kristen! :)

    4. Carol, Joe M is Tack. TOTALLY Tack. I can't wait to see what you think of him either, because I have very strong opinions of him.

  9. Oh my! Mitch is so the shit! Love the parking lot play in the start of the book when they go to get Billy n Billie.. his hand on her belly and lips at her neck....hawt!

  10. I am at Chapter 14 and ready to tear my hair out....What is with Mara?? Enough already! Hot law guy is into you, get it please. Why you wanna muck it up. I must agree with Mitch.. Mara has her head stuck so far up her ass where things are so dark, she can't see Mitch is into her. Man!

  11. Cosmo night! Little black dress!

  12. Oh god! That talk with Billy is tearing my whole heart to shreds...... Mitch will be dancing with Billie at her wedding... awww...I love Mitch most of all.

  13. Oh shit I am blubbering... page so blurred I can't read... time out. Mitch is talkin to Billy about knowing he wanted to be a cop and the kind of woman he wanted to have....I love him!
